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How to find your passion?

how to find your passion

Truth be told, many of us struggle here.

I interviewed many people and the most common answer I get is

“I donno what I am passionate about?”

So I drilled down a little bit further and asked this question.

If you had everything in this world, perfect relationships, ample amount of money, luxury and all vacations.
Have nothing to worry about in life and then one day you wake up in the morning, what would the first thing you would do?

Some of the answers were

  • I watch a lot more tv
  • Play games
  • Sleep more

Then I asked, what would be that one constructive thing you would do consistently for rest of your life?

Then came some real good answers.

Because you cannot keep yourself engaged with passive activities like sleeping or watch tv for a long period of time.

You will get bored and depressed.

The only thing that would keep you happy and live is when you do something constructive.

That is one of the reasons people after retirement still seek to do some job or activities.
Others who try to go on rest either get sick or depressed.

After asking this question people started thinking. To their own surprise, they came up with some real good passions.

  • Art
  • Writing
  • Crafts
  • Music
  • Social service
  • Speaking
  • Business
  • Finance
  • Cooking
  • Dance
  • Sports
    and lot more

Even after spelling it out they weren’t 100% sure. If it is a real passion to grow and live for the rest of their life.

It is because of lack of experience in that subject.

Passion is a tricky thing. You encounter something new, you would fall in love with it.

The learning curve keeps you excited and make you do it for some time. Then there is a phase, more challenges present itself in the learning curve.
That is when we decide either to move further or totally give up.

Deciding at that point whether to move forward or not determines your passion on that field.

How to figure out the passion?

Start with experiencing more things, try to pick up new skills. When I say skills it is something fundamental.

For example, if you are a dancer then you already have the dance skills. Learning advanced dancing is not gaining a new skill.
Alternatively, if you have never cooked before and learned cooking then that is a new skill.

Get friends and family to help

Look for your natural skills. Use your friends and family to interview your strengths.

Ask their thoughts about your strengths. You will be amazed to hear other person opinions about you.

If you don’t agree, don’t argue or negotiate. Blindly write it down.
After you get 5 common ones from various people.

Look for skills related to that.

For example, if people say you are analytical or detailed oriented. You could be good at finance or research.

Do some research and find the skills related to the list you created. Then list down top 5 skills you would like to pursue.

Because it is related to your strong skill, you should be excited to pursue those as soon as you see the list.

Remember this is all data driven, so don’t try to manipulate and put in a skill that you think is needed. Either for your job or future or something else.

The exercise is to find your passion, so stick to the plan.

Create a plan and a habit

Let’s say you picked a skill to learn writing. Plan to write every day for 30 days. Sometimes you may not like to write from the day 1, however, more you write you might start liking.
As all these are subconsciously attached to your underlying skill. Maybe your current habits might prevent you from doing it.

Stick to a 30-day challenge, whether you like it or not. Write for 30 days and at the end of 30 days if you are still interested, keep it going.

Then next month pick the next skill from your list, maybe stock trading. Do it for another 30 days.

Since you are new, you may not know where to start or how to do it. Look for experts in that field and learn from them.

The easy way is to find bloggers in that area and subscribe to their newsletter. It is important to subscribe since you will be constantly reminded of the topic even if you forget.

30 days is a good time to form a habit and get enough experience to say whether you like it or not.

Then next skill for 30 days. Until you finish all the skills in the list.

Let’s say you picked 5 skills and you exercised it for 5 months (30 days each)

At the end of 5 months, you would notice that you only stuck to 1 or 2 topics.

And you are still excited about those even after 5 months.

That is your passion.

The feeling of finding your passion is so fulfilling.

Go beyond

Once you figured the passion, keep growing it. The more you do it you would excel in that field, since it is natural to you. You would do better than the majority of people in the world.

Keep in mind, identifying passion is not to grow your career or make a better lifestyle.

It is to have a fulfilling life.

Our life is short and there is no point in living for others all the time.

Find out what makes your soul happy and feed it before its too late.

When your inner self is happy and fulfilled.
Everything falls in place, you are more confident, have a positive outlook towards life, help others and all this would bring you whatever you need in life.

Better relationships, peace, money, freedom and a satisfying life.

Give it a try and find your passion soon.

The post How to find your passion? appeared first on Roajer.


About Roajer

The new age digital Entrepreneur.

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